Visceral Therapy

Work on the Visceral Fascia of the body is a therapy consisting of gentle specifically place manual forces encourage normal mobility, tone and inherent motion of the viscera and their connective tissue and other areas of the body where the physiologic motion has been impaired. Just as the myofascia, fascia of the muscle system can be engaged, so can the fascia of the soft tissues housing our intestines, liver, or lungs.

Motion is the sign of all life. We, our environment and everything around us is in CONSTANT motion. Our bodies need movement to be healthy. This same principle applies to every structure in our bodies including the connective tissue of the viscera. For an organ to be healthy and have optimal function there needs to be motion of its connective viscera fascia.

Tissues loose their normal motion when they become inflamed. Natural healing process involves local disruption of normal fibers and their replacement with relatively inelastic granular tissue. This tissue can become viewed as dehydrated or lacking normal fluid consistency.

The motion of the viscera fascia that surrounds our organs can be palpated by the therapist’s hands. There is a motion caused by the pushes and pulls of the surrounding tissues and another of the individual organ which is intrinsic to it’s embryological beginnings.

Working on the visceral connective tissue system is like getting rid of something from the past so that we can deal with present functions and demands coming at us.

Visceral Fascial techniques are performed on DRY skin. No creams or oils are used. The client wears loose shorts and t-shirts or sports top. The nature of treating the anatomy of the tissues patterns dictates that the therapist be able to follow the client’s body. Therefore the session is not performed under a massage draping as many clients have experienced in deep tissue or Swedish massage.

A visceral fascia therapist uses skilled touch and high level sensitivity to address the tissue and follow where the tissue takes the body. There are no protocols and each session is individual to the client, their history, and injury profile. Changes in the visceral fascia will improve range of motion, activities of living, sleep, energy, and overall well being.


Lara's approach uses manual hands on techniques to treat the biography of the injury in all of its manifestations throughout the body. Treating the body's biography of injury requires the skill to interact with all the tissue and connected anatomy as well as applying the appropriate movement re-education. Integral to this approach, is educating the client about anatomy, biomechanics, and how multiple systems come into play to address their goals.