Myofascial Therapy

Myofascial Release is a comprehensive treatment and assessment modality that treats the connective tissue of the body in all of its forms, i.e. muscle, bony, skin, ligament, and tendon.The most pervasive tissue in the body, fascia is a strong but pliable multifunctional tissue that surrounds, invests, covers, and connects all of our body’s systems. It is a three dimensional web like structure that gives shape to our body. If all tissue, organ, and bone were removed from the body except the fascial system, the image would look exactly like us down to minute facial details!! Since this tissue allows us to retain our shape it also facilitates or limits or body’s function.  
Fascial restrictions from trauma, injury, postural demands, lifestyle activities can create WIDEPREAD symptoms due to its all encompassing anatomy. This may cause odd or unidentifiable symptoms that are not related to the primary complaint of the client. To this end this treatment approach focuses on treating the STRAIN PATTERN in the fascial tissue, and NOT chasing symptoms and pain reports. As stated above the body is involuted by fascia and the body’s job is to disburse forces of daily demands to maintain functional capacity of the body. There does not exist in the current medical model the diagnostic test that shows the fascial system in its entirety. Therefore most symptoms related to it’s restrictions go unidentified unless the client is touched by a practitioner who can assess this system.  
The fascial system is embedded with chemical and hormonal mediators as well as lymphocytic immune response cells. This is further evidence of its connection to all the processes of the body.
The primary constituent of fascia is collagen. Collegen DOES NOT respond to strong force. It is designed to resist strong forces. Therefore techniques which are forceful will cause it to brace and adhere itself in an attempt to protect the body. Collegen DOES respond to TIME, long durations where the collegen can return to its fluid pliable state. This is called working at the barrier. This does not mean that there is not some discomfort or pain involved in its release.  
Myofascial Release Techniques are performed on DRY skin. No creams or oils are used. The client wears loose shorts and t-­‐shirt or sports top. The nature of treating the anatomy of the fascial strain pattern dictates that the practitioner be able to follow the clients individual patterns, ie working from right shoulder to left knee. Therefore the session is not performed under a massage draping as many clients have experienced in deep tissue, Swedish, or relaxation massage.  
 A myofascial release therapist uses skilled touch and high level of sensitivity to address the tissue and follow where the tissue takes the body. There are no protocols and each session is individual to the client, their history, and injury profile. Changes in fascial restrictions will improve range of motion, activities of living, sleep, energy, and overall well being.


Lara's approach uses manual hands on techniques to treat the biography of the injury in all of its manifestations throughout the body. Treating the body's biography of injury requires the skill to interact with all the tissue and connected anatomy as well as applying the appropriate movement re-education. Integral to this approach, is educating the client about anatomy, biomechanics, and how multiple systems come into play to address their goals.